I had a moment before I enlarged it, where I was all "how right can this really be?" And then I was like, "OMG. SO true." The only thing I'd want to see added is a little blip where my hometown is with the label "cool science stuff happened here." I mean, if the laser and all modern electronic devices based on it are cool.
I had a moment before I enlarged it, where I was all "how right can this really be?" And then I was like, "OMG. SO true." The only thing I'd want to see added is a little blip where my hometown is with the label "cool science stuff happened here." I mean, if the laser and all modern electronic devices based on it are cool.
Love love love! Apparently I am trying to move from The Hill People to Lawyers Driving Hybrids. (I do drive a hybrid ... maybe it's meant to be)
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